Video Library Management System
- 1 min- A Video library management system written in C++ using Array, File handling, Linked List, BST, OOP(classes and objects).
About the Project
It’s a video library management system. It has the following options
- 1) Album issue - Issues a customer album of his/her choice.
- 2) Album deposit- Submits the album isuued to the respective customer.
- 3)Administrator menu:
- i) Create customer record
- ii) Display all customer record
- iii) Display specific customer record
- iv) Modify customer record
- v) Delete customer record
- vi) Create new album
- vii) Display all albums
- viii) Display specific album
- ix) Modify album
- x) Delete album
- i) Create customer record
- 4) Operations on Sorting of album- Sorts the index number of albums using BST
- 5) Exit - To exit